I am an ecosystem ecologist broadly interested in how human-caused environmental change is affecting ecosystem function and the ability of ecosystems to provide the ecosystem services on which we depend. I study how nutrients and carbon cycle in ecosystems and how these cycles impact (or are impacted by) ecosystem restoration, water quality, biodiversity, and climate change. I am also interested in ecosystem service measurement and valuation, and how ecosystem services can be included in environmental markets and other policy opportunities.
I am the Program Coordinator for the Ecosystems Land Change Science Program in the Ecosystems Mission Area of USGS, and a Adjunct Associate Research Professor at the University of Maryland in the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC). My research interests and expertise lie at the nexus of science and policy and I continually seek additional opportunities combining science and policy to solve environmental problems and promote habitat conservation. I consider myself a "social science- and engineering-friendly" ecologist who loves to collaborate, working with multidisciplinary teams to find societally-relevant solutions to the world's pressing problems.
More details about my research can be found on my experience and research pages. And I discuss my interests in education and outreach on my teaching and professional development pages.